

25. Critical And Creative

The critical spirit looks at what already exists and questions it. The creative spirit looks beyond what already exists and searches for something new.

The critical spirit compares reality to an ideal. The creative spirit attempts to manifest an ideal by bringing it into reality.

The critical spirit discovers problems and performs investigations. The creative spirit explores possible solutions and performs experiments.

The critical spirit sees particulars as limited and subject to revision. The creative spirit sees the whole as limitless and complete in itself.

The critical spirit interrogates norms and systems that restrict and control. The creative spirit develops new structures that liberate and expand.

The critical spirit deconstructs inflexible traditions and obsolete institutions. The creative spirit transforms extant entities and substances into tools and materials for constructing new forms.

The critical spirit is skeptical of the range of human ability and understanding. The creative spirit is hopeful that new methods and technologies will expand our boundaries.

The critical spirit is a negative, destructive force, clearing away all that is tired and stagnant. The creative spirit is a positive, constructive force, building all that is vibrant and exciting.

Both spirits are necessary and needed, for each alone is impotent without the other.

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